انظم الينا على :

mercredi 18 septembre 2013

Protect your network router without any program

The Internet is so vast and uncensored that it is capable of plaguing the young minds if the parents do not play their role in making sure that the bad websites are being filtered and blocked ,if you currently have no content filtering you can use
this steps:

-Step 1 :
-In Start Menu Click in Execute -> Cmd
-Step 2 :
-In dos Screen type TelNet  -> Entrer 
-Step 3:
-Type "o" where is your  getway ip
-Step 4
type the username of router -> enter   
type the password of router -> enter 
-Step 5 
-type "dns server route add dns= metric=5 intf= Internet"   -> Enter
-type "dns server route add dns= metric=5 intf= Internet"   -> Enter
-type "dns server route list"  -> Enter
-type "saveall"  -> Enter 

wait 1 minute  congratulation your router is secure